Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Life in the busy lane

Alright with just a moment to spare before bedtime I have some things to report.

One - feeling alot better.  Mourning is nothing to sneeze and and took alot of wind out of my sales.

Two - Measurements:
187 morning 191 night
Calf left 17 right 16
Thigh left 24 right 24.5
hips 46
wast 39
chest 42
Arm right 13.5 left 13.5

so for reference my thighs have gotten smaller, my hips got smaller, my chest got a tad smaller, and my arms got bigger.. 

weighing at night apparently makes me heavier by 4 pounds... 

walking to Disneyland I don't have the data right here - so I will report later.

bedtime - sweet dreams

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Back on track

I took the time I needed.  I needed more than I realized, and there might be some days where I will fall and need more time to mourn my fallen friends.

Yesterday I made it back to the gym.  I made it to my 7000 steps.  I completed my work out.  It felt amazing.  I cannot say my diet is fully on board due to need for sustenance in short time frames.  I am getting better about ordering sugerless tea or water so there is a tiny win.  I haven't ordered alot of fast food, but more than I normally consume of late.

My goal is to be able to be as limber, nimble and strong as I can be.  I know I cannot technically regain my youth in any fashion - but I can become the best version my current age will allow.

It is nice to have  a work out buddy - it is wonderful to have just that bit of accountability to add to my own determination.

Current distance to Disneyland = 15,000 steps currently 2,009,000 steps to go.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Hiccups come in all shapes and sizes when it comes to achieving goals.  Death is no acception.  In the past month I have lost two people.  One was an old childhood friend I had lost contact with, and one was one who had accepted me with open arms and a great deal of love and enthusiasm into the SCA.

Both of these hurt and have taken me down the last two days.  The sadness wells behind my eyes and in my heart so heavy it feels like I'm carrying an extra 50 pounds in weights.

I paused - I thought for one day.  It turned into two. 

I have 7000 steps to record - so I will put that here now - and tomorrow I will begin again.  The sad may take me down, but I have no desire to join my friends in their graves - I need to get healthy to be here for the living.

Current distance to Disneyland = 22,000 steps currently 2,016,000 steps to go.

Tomorrow brings a new day.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Just a quick update.  I went to the gym and did my workout B for Nerd Fitness.
Planks are tummy building butterfly causing, wow oh wow I hope I get better at them effective.

As for walking - I did 7000 steps today with gym and regular walking.

My steps to Disneyland are:

Current distance to Disneyland = 15,000 steps currently 2,023,000 steps to go.

Need to head for bed.  Sweet dreams
Allright Nerd Fitness + Walking to Disneyland.

Stats currently as they have been recorded for starting point assessment.
BMR - 1575.5
Weight 190
Arm 12.5
Waist 39
Hips 47
Chest 43
Thigh 25
Calf 16

I am at level 3 of the Nerd Fitness food plan
I am at level 1 of the Nerd Fitness exercise plan
Every other day I need to:
Workout A1
3 rounds of 10 reps of each:
Assissted Bodyweight squat
Elevated Push-up
Doorway bodyweight row

Finish with:
Farmers walk 30 second trip

Workout B1
3 rounds:
Good Morning 10 reps
Standing Wall Walk 5 trips up and down
One leg balance 5 seconds each side

Finish with:
Front plank 3 sets 20 seconds

My own goal - walk 7000 steps a day

Current distance to Disneyland = 8000 steps currently 2,030,000 steps to go.
Disneyland is 1,019 miles or 2,038,000 steps
With the knowledge that 10,000 = 5 miles the steps to miles conversion is below.
(distance in miles divided by 5 miles x 10,000 steps - or 1019x5 = 203.8 x 10,000 = 2,038,000)

Hard truth.  I am out of shape, I am over 40, I am almost 200 pounds in weight, I am low income and don't have access to the best foods or diet options, but am learning how to work within the confines of what I can have. I do belong to a gym becuase it is $10 a month - but I have not been going until this last week since September of last year.  My blood pressure is awesome (happy dance), I don't have arthritus, I am generally healthy with the above being also a truth.

In the Nerd Fitness plan it also focuses on the mind - the mind being a great deal more important than anything else I am doing.  Meditation, positive thinking, fighting inner monologue demons, as well as digging at the baggage I have carried around is on the to do list on the regular.  Journaling, art, and all the things that help me dig myself out of this mental self trap I have been living in.

I took up residence in the swamp of sorrows and just dug my roots into the swamp.  I have spent that last couple of weeks hacking those roots off and moved to a healthier place mentally with a much better view.  Now the plan is to make sure that I can accumulate the money I need to survive plus a bit more to dig myself out of not having a savings to cover issues like popped tires, and doctor visits.  Once i can start making more than I spend in basic bills and living expenses (which I have trimmed  as far down as I can) I can start saving for the emergency pile.  Once I have that the next goal is to look into paying down debt and figuring out what the next steps are.  This might take a minute or a few months - but it is as important as the body health I am doing.  Mental health, safety of self, and peronal health are all linked.  I cannot just change one and have everything be alright.  I have to change all the aspects.

So - February 2019 - Ultimate quest of healthy 360 begins.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Almost two years ago I stopped writing.  I am not sure what happened to cause  this, but I just stopped.
I didn't stop walking  though.  I actually made it to New Orleans through steps and celebrated in a small way.  I have yet to actually go back to New Orleans.  Money has been tight and stress has been high and I've gained weight.

HOWEVER!!!  I joined Nerd Fitness.
I have a new goal now.
I am walking to DisneyLand!!  It will be in steps and not in reality - but I am doing it!

1,019 miles from my house to Disneyland in Los Angeles California
15 hours 3 minutes by car (we need to go there!)
It says it will take me 355 hours to walk it that's 14 straight days of walking.  lets see how long it takes.

Just so I have it somewhere solid - I measured my starting weight for this round of loosing weight and getting healther.  I am dedicated to it.

188 pounds (I am jiggly) 5 feet 4 inches tall
Calf 16"
Thigh 25"
Hips 47"
Waist 39"
Chest 43"
Arm 12.5"

This is a good picture of me.  It is a bit older - about a year and half.  But you can see the weight even with the corsit.

Nerd Fitness has a whole regine, diet, weights, you name it.

I am starting with a literal handicap - I popped my thump out of joint and burst the tendon in an injury called gamers thumb or skiers thumb.  It will take at least another 6 weeks to heal and is still possible for surgery.  That being said -  I am still going to work out.  I am still going to loose the weight and get healthy.  The goal is not to be skinny - the goal is to get fit so I can do the things I want to do and stay fit.

My journey begins - and I am excited.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Unexpected delay

Lost my income and my internet - went on blogging hiatus for a year.  I am back and getting back on the exercise train.

Starting slow - goal - consistency! 
15 sit-ups 12 push-ups and 10000 steps daily.

Sit ups and push-ups complete but only 2000 steps.

Yesterday sit ups push ups and 8000 steps.

Aiming for all three tomorrow!!